

Knowledge Management Capability Model? 

It is interesting that there is no "standard" capability model to measure how well an organization is doing its KM. The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) from Carnegie Mellon has become a de facto capability model for software engineering. Now, Carnegie Mellon is developing another model called eSourcing Capability Model (eSCM) for sourcing of services (IT and other business processes). May be it time for a KMCM. Actually, eSCM does have KM as one of its 5 dimensions of capabilities, but in the specific context of outsourced services delivery and management.

As suspected, I found, from my search, at least a couple who thought about it. Authors of this paper say, "Many KM approaches and tools exist, many claims are made, but what constitutes the essential core set of capabilities that truly represent KM proficiency? No industry-accepted model exists to assess the maturity of an organization’s KM program." And, in this paper, the authors propose a conceptual framework for such a capability model.